



   Meet us at

  Swiss Abilities | 29. - 30.11.24

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is on a mission to make everyday life easier. Our assistive technology gives people living with a disability new-found independence and control over a power wheelchair or their own environment.

All our products are listed in the assistive devices catalog of the National Association of Health Insurance Organizations, which means they may be prescribed by a doctor and paid for by a health insurance provider.

Our products are used with success by people with

Assistive technology solutions by HomeBrace are thus helping people to live more independent lives.

Contact us at +49 7181 20741-0

Headquarters and billing address:

HomeBraceGermany GmbH
Birkenweg 12
73660 Urbach

Postal and delivery address:

HomeBraceGermany GmbH
Stuttgarter Str. 11
73614 Schorndorf